Our Strategy

We are excited to share the new Strategic Plan for Abbey Multi Academy Trust. The plan illustrates our current and future thinking, outlining our vision, values and aspirations for the coming years as we continue to develop as a high performing Multi Academy Trust that delivers the very best educational experience for pupils from 3 - 19.

The plan sets out how we will grow, develop, support and improve our Academies across the wide and diverse geographical area of the Leeds Diocese, with a clear and unrelenting focus on raising standards, encouraging innovation and strengthening the ethos of the Trust.

Abbey Multi Academy Trust, is also recognised by the DfE as an Academy Sponsor. This means that through the Trust, we are held accountable for sponsored schools who join us to ensure improvement in outcomes and taking responsibility for their performance and financial arrangements.

Our People

At Abbey Multi Academy Trust, we value our staff because exceptional learning requires exceptional teachers and an exceptional network of support. We are committed to a working experience, based on our values, where every colleague thrives and flourishes and is trusted to achieve success in their role.

Take a look at our new People Strategy, which aims to pull together all aspects of our approach to looking after our people, to outline initiatives to help optimise stages of the employee life cycle and to enable communication of our intentions.

People Strategy