Vision and Values

Our Vision

Working in partnership to educate, nurture and empower. Abbey MAT is committed to providing high quality education for all within an environment which is welcoming, disciplined and purposeful. Through a range of opportunities including academic, cultural and spiritual, our pupils and colleagues are empowered and nurtured to flourish and live ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

Our Values

In Partnership


We recognise the importance of building positive relationships within and beyond our school communities. We encourage our pupils and colleagues to serve others.

to Educate


We foster a love of learning and create opportunities for developing wisdom, knowledge and skills through a rich and diverse curriculum.


We create a safe environment which enables our pupils and colleagues to persevere in order to reach their full potential.



We respect the inherent worth of every individual and value their uniqueness.


In recognising that we are all equally loved and cherished in the eyes of God, we treat everyone with dignity and as having equal value and worth.

and Empower


Our communities nurture pupils and colleagues who serve others and in doing so, make a difference in school and wider society.


We have high hopes for all of our pupils and colleagues and encourage them to be the best version of themselves.